I recommend recording pathogens on iNaturalist, which is a global community of biological recorders across all taxonomic groups. Unfortunately, local recording centres generally lack the expertise to verify records, and peer review on iNaturalist is the best way to access people with deep and up-to-date knowledge of pathogen taxonomy and identification. It is also a lot of fun, and the mobile app makes recording very quick and easy. In my experience the easier it is to make a record the more likely you are to record things as you happen upon them on walks and field days.
Records (or "observations") on iNaturalist generally require a photograph and a location. Your phone's camera and inbuilt GPS are all you need! Almost all the photographs on this site are from my iNaturalist observations. If a record requires microscopy, I take photos down the microscope and add them to the record later. For examples, here are my most recent records: